Day 117

Day 112

p.s. obviously, I'm experimenting with how I present my photos on my blog. Whatcha think?
Addendum (dum de dum dum): Lest you worry that I don't spend enough time obsessing about stupid things, chew on this: While sipping some iced tea this afternoon, post-lunch, I had a flash of unabashed panic.
(Allow me to interrupt myself for just one minute to say that I'm loving that internal rhyme: flash of unabashed...)
Panic is pretty common in my life. This time, the panic was over my use of the word sidenote as a single word rather than two. The spell-checker, diligent and well-meaning as it is, had flagged it as a misspelled word. And yet, in my fuzzy headed, head cold state, I had ignored the ominous red underline and PUBLISHED IT ANYWAY.
Ack! Rule breaker!
But as I savored my McD's sweet tea (delicious, by the way, but that's a whole other post) I got cold feet. What if the three people who read my blog were to notice my indiscretion! Oh, how my fingers ached to sneak back into my blog and add that space.
Luckily, I had a moment of rare clarity (more internal rhymes!) and calmly logged on to consult with my best friend, Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Yes, it's true. I spend money out of my own pocket to subscribe to the online unabridged dictionary. And it's some of the best money I've ever spent.
Much to my surprise, I discovered that the spell-checker was wrong. Alack and alas. So my so-called error was a nonexistent one. Whew! So now you know: sidenote is in fact one single, solid, unbroken word. No space. Not even a little bitty hyphen. Won't you sleep better tonight?
I know I will.
And now I have wasted far too much of my time and yours on an entry about stuffing Kleenex into one's orifices. Time you'll never have back. Bwahahahaha!
(Allow me to interrupt myself for just one minute to say that I'm loving that internal rhyme: flash of unabashed...)
Panic is pretty common in my life. This time, the panic was over my use of the word sidenote as a single word rather than two. The spell-checker, diligent and well-meaning as it is, had flagged it as a misspelled word. And yet, in my fuzzy headed, head cold state, I had ignored the ominous red underline and PUBLISHED IT ANYWAY.
Ack! Rule breaker!
But as I savored my McD's sweet tea (delicious, by the way, but that's a whole other post) I got cold feet. What if the three people who read my blog were to notice my indiscretion! Oh, how my fingers ached to sneak back into my blog and add that space.
Luckily, I had a moment of rare clarity (more internal rhymes!) and calmly logged on to consult with my best friend, Merriam-Webster Unabridged. Yes, it's true. I spend money out of my own pocket to subscribe to the online unabridged dictionary. And it's some of the best money I've ever spent.
Much to my surprise, I discovered that the spell-checker was wrong. Alack and alas. So my so-called error was a nonexistent one. Whew! So now you know: sidenote is in fact one single, solid, unbroken word. No space. Not even a little bitty hyphen. Won't you sleep better tonight?
I know I will.
And now I have wasted far too much of my time and yours on an entry about stuffing Kleenex into one's orifices. Time you'll never have back. Bwahahahaha!
Day 109
I did not take a picture on April 19. I spent the day napping on the couch, miserable.
Musings by Meg
I dream of living in a world where it is socially and professionally acceptable to sit at my desk, in my cube, at my job with a wad of Kleenex stuffed up my stuffed-up nose.
Failing that, I want to work from the privacy of my own home, where I can stuff all the Kleenex up my nose that I want, and nobody could judge me for that because nobody could see me.
As a sidenote: Why does stuffing Kleenex up your nose have to be so wrong when it feels SO RIGHT? Seriously. It's the only thing that feels remotely soothing when one's nose is simultaneously stuffed up and running. Am I right? Amiright?
Failing that, I want to work from the privacy of my own home, where I can stuff all the Kleenex up my nose that I want, and nobody could judge me for that because nobody could see me.
As a sidenote: Why does stuffing Kleenex up your nose have to be so wrong when it feels SO RIGHT? Seriously. It's the only thing that feels remotely soothing when one's nose is simultaneously stuffed up and running. Am I right? Amiright?
Day 106

Kyle and I spent some time outside while he rode his big wheel up and down the sidewalk. I'm so happy that he is finally liking his trikes now that he has learned how to pedal and steer.
Day 105

Day 104

We went to Spring Lake Park today, and Kyle insisted on checking out the lake. It was more than a little muddy. First he fell down in it, then he got his shoe stuck. He thought it was hilarious. I want to buy him new shoes.
What I Hate about Easter
No matter how careful I am, no matter how much I try to hide the Easter baskets to keep them away from the kitties, the cats always manage to find some of that damn Easter grass, eat it, and puke it up in a spot where I am certain to step in it. Every dang year. You'd think I'd learn and just skip the Easter grass, but no, I'm thick and stubborn that way. And what is an Easter basket without cheap plastic grass?
Day 102

Day 101

Day 97

Day 95
I did not take a photo on April 5. I was too busy getting to Vegas.
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