the cat's pajamas
- Kyle just came inside to yell at me. "Mo-om," he whined. "Why you put me in pajamas today?" Then he did his little grunt thing he does when he's frustrated. Yes, I dressed Kyle this morning. But no, I did not dress him in pajamas. The shirt he is wearing is most definitely a regular shirt. I bought it at Wal-Mart. I thought it was rather cute, but who am I to judge pre-school fashion? No matter what I have told him, Kyle remains convinced that he is wearing a pajama shirt. The irony of it all is that Troy has dressed him in pajama shirts beforeBut I digress.) And Kyle has gone an entire day without protesting his pajama outfits. But this shirt has him quite upset. I guess we won't be wearing it again for awhile.

- We've started mentioning to Kyle, very casually, that he's going to be getting a baby brother or sister. He believes he is going to have a baby brother, or baby bruddah, as he says. And baby bruddah will be named Tyler. That's because his friend Blake's baby bruddah is named Tyler. But the other day, he conceded that the baby could be named Parker (another baby at day care) or Carter (his friend Isaac's little bruddah). And this morning, he said his baby bruddah will be named Willie Parker. There's a player in the NFL, a running back I believe but I could be wrong, by that name, and Kyle heard it once on ESPN radio and decided it was the funniest name in the whole wide world. He cracks up whenever we say it. Willie Parker. And now he wants his baby bruddah to be Willie Parker. Then, a few moments later, he announced that Baby Herman would be a very good name, too.
1 comment:
Have you (or Grandpa) taught Kyle the Name Game Song yet? That could be fun!
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