

The formula for a trapezoid

I had this conversation with a student today:

Me: "Why aren't you working on your math?"
Student: "I can't! I need someone to help me!"
Me: "I'll help! What do you need?"
Student: I need the formula for a trapezoid.
Me: What kind of formula?
Student: For a trapezoid!
Me: No--what kind of formula for a trapezoid?
Student: What do you mean? I just need a formula for a trapezoid!
Me: I mean, do you need the formula for the area of the trapezoid?
Student: No, just the formula for a trapezoid.
Me: There's no such thing.
Student: Yes there is! I need to know what it is!
Me: I can tell you the formula for the area of a trapezoid.
Student: No! Oh my god. You aren't listening to me. I just need the formula for a trapezoid. I'll just wait for the other teacher. She's in my math class, and you're not, so you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
Me: I've taken a 7th grade math class once or twice. And I am very confident that what you are looking for is the formula for the AREA of a trapezoid.
Student: Oh my god, no!

(This exchange continued back and forth for a ridiculous amount of time until the student angrily got up, stomped over to his Chromebook, typed something, and pointed to it.)

Student: See! There. The formula for a trapezoid. Right there!

Me (taking a closer look): Yep. That's the formula for the area of a trapezoid.
Student: No! It's not! 
Me: Look! What do you think the A stands for?
Student: Something else! 
Me: I'm done with you.
Student: God! Nobody will help me!

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